A while back I posted a drawing on Facebook with a blog post to come soon...I realized that blog post never made it even though I think about that picture almost daily.
A friend and I were discussing our hurts and pains and how we see ourselves and how God sees us. Out of that came this picture....that's how I see myself. I'm a vessel that I know God has plans for and intends to use. The pain and heartache that comes from losing five babies is devastating. I see myself as someone who is absolutely broken and God is capable of putting the pieces back together. I am by no means perfect as there are cracks and imperfections left behind from each loss. Sometimes when grief rears its ugly head I feel the pieces fall apart again and God is gracious to pick up the pieces. He is ever so patient and picks up the pieces each time with grace and comforts me. As the holidays approach I'm a little more fragile and all the more grateful for my loving Saviour who continues to use broken vessels.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
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